Our Sushi
Sushi is a centuries-old style of Japanese cuisine that combines vinegar-seasoned rice with a variety of seafood and vegetables. The word “sushi” means “vinegar rice.” “Su” is the Japanese word for vinegar and “shi” is an abbreviation of the word “Meshi,” a colloquial name for cooked rice.
Contrary to popular belief, sushi is not all raw fish. Raw fish is Sashimi and is considered a totally separate cuisine. Although some sushi combinations use raw fish, the ingredients vary with different types of sushi and may include anything from cooked fish to vegetables. What you add is only limited by your imagination.
Sushi can be prepared in a variety of ways. The following sushi are the most popular kinds:

Inari Sushi
soybean pouch filled with sushi rice

Maki Sushi
a roll sushi consisting of vinegared rice and vegetable or seafood

Nigiri Sushi
hand formed rice ball with a slice of seafood on top

Uramaki Sushi
roll contains seafood, nori and other items wrapped in rice